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September 14, 2012


Rachele S.

EEEEK! I'm so excited! I just signed up & can't wait to see all the fun ideas you have up your sleeve for Halloween! When does the class start? I don't think I saw it posted anywhere.

judy in hsv-al

WHen does it start? I need to know if I can fit into my schedule -- thanks!!

Sheila H Miller

Margie Romney Aslett classes are never a disappointment. Excited about Spooky Spark!


are you doing a spark event this year?


I am totally lame. I want to sign up for spooky spark--when I click on the link it takes me to paypal and nowhere else. Am I missing something? So excited for this!!!


Hi Margie, when I go to check out, it adds a shipping charge. Will that be refunded? Thanks!

Lisa Hodge

Margie, I'm wanting to pay for this now so I can get the free class, however it's wanting $27 + dollars for including shipping. I can't spend that much but I know you may not see this till tomorrow. So I'm in a pickle. I really want the extra class but don't want to pay for the shipping ... Can you extend the deadline to get in for the free class by just one day? Thanks!

nancy pyter

are there pictures of the projects to look at that are in your spark class ?

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