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December 12, 2011



margie...loved your class. really! nancy gave it to me for a christmas prezzie! what a great spark sista she is!

so happy to see you scrapping...i have yet to see that side of you. and so happy to know that i am not alone in keeping up with my dec daily. love that book.

thanks for all you are.


Nancy Wyatt

Love, Love, Love your DecDaily! The class was amazing and I know so many have been sparked! Hugs sweet friend! xoxo

Laurie LaRiviere

love your cover, I am behind too, haven't even started, gotta find an album first!! love your creative mess, that's the best kind of mess there is :)


love that december daily...
i haven't started the classes yet but this week is
my creative week and i can't wait to watch them!
merry christmas talented lady!

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